Monday, January 21, 2013

101 Things People Want Obama to Do in Term 2 - By Elizabeth F. Ralph

President Barack Obama is one of only 17 U.S. presidents elected to a second term. And ever since he defeated Mitt Romney to earn himself another four years in office, everyone from Paul Volcker to the Taliban has weighed in on what he should do now. In an effort to make life easier for the soon-to-be re-inaugurated president, Foreign Policy has gathered much of this advice into one concise list.

Obama should...

1. Think legacy

2. Go for greatness this time -- and start with the inaugural address

3. Say this during the inauguration today -- and these things

4. Resolve America's political and economic problems

5. Help Africa do the same

6. Foster entrepreneurship and innovation

7. Overturn Citizens United

8. Broker lasting peace in the Middle East

9. Stay out of Israel-Palestine peace efforts, for now

10. Meddle in Israel's election

11. Worry about Bethlehem, Pennsylvania rather than Bethlehem, Palestine

12. Intervene in Syria

13. Stay away from Syria

14. Assassinate Bashar al-Assad

15. Enact a Marshall Plan for 2013

16. Stop being so European

17. Push gun control without Congress

18. Get tough on criminals instead

19. Admit his true feelings on the Second Amendment

20. Amend the Constitution

21. Listen to the NRA

22. Tackle gun control internationally, not just domestically

23. Stay pivoted toward Asia

24. Rethink the pivot

25. Pray that China overtakes the United States

26. Not freak out about China

27. Reform the Foreign Assistance Act

28. Talk to the Taliban

29. Admit he's lost in Afghanistan. And leave. Thanks! - The Taliban

30. Stop being so reasonable

31. Stop governing like a visitor from a morally superior civilization

32. Get his authority back

33. Answer this: Are you a moralist or a realist?

34. Listen to Brookings

35. Listen to Chuck Hagel

36. Listen to Hugo Chávez

37. Forget Chavismo

38. End the Cuba embargo

39. Not end the Cuba embargo

40. Offer Iran a generous deal

41. Not expect Iran to come to the negotiating table

42. Write the rule book for drones

43. Stop using drones

44. Use drones. They're the best tool we have.

45. Keep the drones, but develop alternative solutions

46. Abandon his cybersecurity executive order

47. Reduce the nuclear arsenal with New START II

48. Stop worrying and learn to love the bomb

49. Come to the table with congressional Republicans

50. Bypass congressional Republicans

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